How to Activate Call Waiting in Vivo T2 Pro 5g ?

In this post we will discuss how to activate call waiting in Vivo T2 Pro 5g mobile. If you follow the below instructions you can solve your call-waiting problem.

What is Call Waiting Service in Vivo T2 Pro 5g ?

I can provide general information on what the “Call Waiting” service is in Vivo T2 Pro 5g smartphones. Call Waiting is a feature available on most vivo mobile phones and it allows you to receive incoming calls even when you are already on a call. If you are on a call with someone, and another call comes in, the Call Waiting feature alerts you about the second call through a tone or notification. You can choose to put the current call on hold and answer the new one or ignore the new call and continue your current conversation.

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How to Activate Call Waiting in Vivo T2 Pro 5g ?

We can provide you with some general steps that help turn on Call Waiting service on a Vivo T2 Pro 5g phone.


(1) Open Phone App: Go to the main menu and open “Phone App”.

(2) Then tap on the “Three Dot” icon that appears on the right side top corner.

(3) Then select the “Setting” option.

(4) Then click in “Calling Accounts” option.

(5) Then choose sim option (eg.Sim1/Sim2).

(6) Then select the “Additional Setting” option.

(7) Then show you “Call Waiting” option. Then tap on the call waiting toggle button,
If call waiting is already activated, this button will be blue marked.

Now your Vivo T2 Pro 5g has Call Waiting enabled, allowing you to receive incoming calls while you are already on a phone call. When you receive an incoming call while on a call, you will hear a beep or tone indicating the second call, and you can choose to answer it or ignore it.

How to Turn off Call Waiting in Vivo T2 Pro 5g ?

Here are the general steps to disable call waiting in Vivo T2 Pro 5g:

(1) Open the Phone App: Open the Phone app on your smartphone.
(2) Access Settings: In the Phone app, look for the settings icon, which is usually represented as three dots or lines in the top-right corner of the screen. Tap on this icon to access the settings menu.
(3) Call Settings: In the settings menu, scroll down or look for an option labeled “Calling accounts,” “Additional settings,” or something similar. Tap on it to access the call settings.
(4) Call Waiting: Within the call settings, you should see an option for “Call waiting.” Tap on this option to enter the call waiting settings.
(5) Disable Call Waiting: Toggle the switch or checkbox next to “Call waiting” to turn it off. This action should disable call waiting on your Vivo phone.
(6) Confirm: You might be prompted to confirm your choice, so confirm that you want to disable call waiting.

That’s all for this post. I hope you can now activate call waiting on Vivo T2 Pro 5g easily and also can deactivate call waiting in Vivo T2 Pro 5g whenever required.

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